World Literature on Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database -276

World Literature on Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database -276

World Literature on Medicinal Plants Quoted/Consulted/Modified/Improved/Discussed/Used/Corrected in Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.

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Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Paris polyphylla SMITH based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parkia biglandulosa WIGHT & ARN. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parkia javanica MERR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parkia roxburghii G. DON based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parkia timoriana (A. DC.) MERR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parkinsonia aculeata L.SP. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parmelia cirrhata FR. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parmelia kamstchadalis ACH. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parmelia nilgherrensis NYL. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parmelia perforata ACH. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parmelia perlata (HUDS.) ACH. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parmignya monophylla WIGHT. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parnassia laxmannii PALL. EX SCHULT. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parnassia nubicola HK.F. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parnassia palustris L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parnassia pusilla HK.F. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parochetus communis DON based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parsonsia alboflavescens (DENNST.) MABB. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parsonsia helicandra HOOK. & ARN. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parsonsia laevigata (Moon) Alston. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parsonsia spiralis WALL. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Parthenium hysterophorus L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pasania truncata (KING) SCHOTT. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Paspalum conjugatum BERG. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Paspalum distichum L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Paspalum scrobiculatum L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Paspalum scrobiculatum L. commersonii STAPF based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Passiflora assamica CHAKRAVARTY based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Passiflora edulis SIMS based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Passiflora foetida L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Passiflora incarnata L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Passiflora perpera MAST. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Passiflora quadrangularis LINN. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Paullinia cupana H.B. & K. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pausinystalia yohimba PIERRE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pavetta crassicaulis BREMEK. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pavetta indica L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pavetta indica L. minor based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pavetta tomentosa ROXB. EX SMITH based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pavonia odorata WILLD. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pavonia procumbens SOISS. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pavonia propinqua GARCKE NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pavonia repanda (J.E. SM.) SPRENG. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pavonia zeylanica CAV. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Payena lucida A. DC. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pecteilis susannae (L.) RAF. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedalium murex L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedicularis bicornuta CLOTZ. EX. GARCKE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedicularis cheilanthifolia SCHRENK NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedicularis comosa LINN. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedicularis longiflora RUDOLPH tubiformis (KLOTZSCH)PENNEL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedicularis pectinata WALL. EX BENTH. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedicularis pycnantha BOISS. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedicularis pyramidata ROYLE. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedicularis siphonantha D.DON based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pedilanthus tithymaloides (L.) POIT. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peganum harmala L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pegia nitida COLEBR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pegolettia senegalensis CASS. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pegonatherum crinitum KUNTH. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pelargonium graveolens L. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pelargonium roseum R. BR. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peliosanthes bakeri HK.F. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peliosanthes teta ANDR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pellaea colomelanos LINK NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pellaea hastata (THUNB) PRANTL NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peltigera canina WILLD based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peltophorum dasyrhachis (MIQ.)KURZ NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) BAKER based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pemphis acidula FORST. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.) SPRENG. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pennisetum americanum (L.) LEEKE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pennisetum compressum R. BR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pennisetum flaccidum GRISEB. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pennisetum glaucum R.BR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pennisetum spicatum ROEM. & SCHULT. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pennisetum typhoides (BURM.F.) STAPF ET HUBB. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pennisetum typhoideum (RICH) NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pentanema indicum (L.) LING based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pentaneura khasiana KURZ. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pentapetes phoenicea L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pentaptera tomentosa BEDD. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pentatropis capensis (L.F.) BULLOCK based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pentatropis cynanchoides R.BR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pentatropis microphylla (ROXB.) WIGHT & ARN. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pentatropis nivalis (GMEL.) FIELD & WOOD. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pentatropis spiralis DECNE. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peperomia pellucida L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peperomia reflexa (L.F.) A. DIETR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peperomia tetraphylla (G.FORST.) HOOK. & A. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peranama cyatheoides D.DON NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pergularia aktensa  based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pergularia daemia (FORSK.) CHOIV. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pergularia extensa N.E.BR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pergularia tomentosa L. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pericampylus glaucus (LAMK.) MERR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pericampylus incanus MIERS. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Perilepta auriculata (NEES) BREMEK. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Perilla frutescens (L.) BRITT. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Periploca aphylla DECNE. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Periploca indica L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Periploca sylvestris RETZ. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peristrophe bicalyculata NEES based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peristrophe bivalvis MERR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peristrophe paniculata (FORSK.) BRUMMITT based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peristrophe roxburghiana (SCHULT.) BREMEK. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peristylus stocksii (HK.F.) KRANZ based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Perotis indica (L.) KUNTZE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Perovskia abrotanoides KAR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Perovskia atriplicifolia BENTH. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Persea fructifera KOST. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Persea gamblei (KING EX HK.F.) KOST. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Persea macrantha (NEES) KOST. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Petrea volubilis GAERTN. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Petroselinum crispum NYM. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peucedanum aucheri BOISS. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peucedanum dhana BUCH.-HAM.EX CLARKE DALZELII C.B.CLARKE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peucedanum grande CL. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peucedanum graveolens BENTH. EX HOOK.F. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Peucedanum nagpurense (CI.) PRAIN. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaius grandifolius LOUR. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaius tancarvilleae (L. HERIT.) BL. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaius wallichii LINDL. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phalaenopsis amabilis LINDL. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phalaris arundinacea L. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phalaris canariensis L. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phallus rubicundus (BOSC.) FRIES NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pharbitis nil CHOIS. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pharnaceum cerviana L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pharnaceum mollugo L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus aconitifolius L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus adenanthus G.F. MEYER based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus aureus ROXB. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus dalzellii COOKE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus lunatus L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus mungo (L) MANT. radiatus L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus mungo (L) MANT. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus pauciflorus DALZ. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus radiatus L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus roxburghii WIGHT & ARN. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus semierectus L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus sublobatus ROXB. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus trilobus AIT. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaseolus vulgaris L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaulopsis dorsiflora (RETZ.) SANTAPAU based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phaulopsis imbricata (FORSK.) SWEET based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phlegmariurus phlegmaria (L.) SEN & SEN based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phlogacanthus curviflorus NEES based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phlogacanthus guttatus NEES based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phlogacanthus jenkinsii C.B. CLARKE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phlogacanthus pubinervis T.ANDERS. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phlogacanthus thrysiflorus WALL. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus NEES based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phlogacanthus thyrsiformis (HARD.) based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phlomis bracteosa ROYLE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoebe lanceolata NEES based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoebe wightii MEISSN. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoenix acaulis ROXB. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoenix asperulatus HUTCH. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoenix dactylifera L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoenix farinifera ROXB. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoenix humilis ROYLE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoenix loureirii KUNTH based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoenix paludosa ROXB. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoenix pusilla GAERTN. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoenix sylvestris ROXB. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pholidota chinensis LINDL. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pholidota imbricata (ROXB.) LINDL. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Pholidota pallida LINDL. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phoradendron leucarpum (RAF.) REV. & M.C. JOHNST. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Photinia notoniana WALL. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Photinia serrulata LINDL. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phragmites australis (CAV.) TRIN. EX STEUD. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phragmites communis TRIN. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phragmites karka TRIN. EX STEUD. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phragmites maxima BLATTER & MCCANN based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phragmites roxburghii (KUNTH) STEUD. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phrymium dichotoma ROXB. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyla nodiflora (L.) GREENE based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllagathis rotundifolia BLUME based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus acidus (L.) SKEELS based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus airy-shawii BRUNEL & ROUX based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus amarus SCHUM. & THENN. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus clarkei HK.F. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus debilis KLEIN EX WILLD. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus distichus (L.) MUELL.-ARG. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus emblica L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus fraternus WEBSTER based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus gomphocarpus HK. F. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus indofischeri BENNET based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Medicinal Plants used with Phyllanthus missionis HOOK.F. FL. NULL based Traditional Herbal Formulations by Indigenous Banjara (Gypsy) Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database,
Ivbijaro MF
Preservation of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, with the neem seed, Azadirachta indica A. Juss.     1983      
Yadav LS, Yadav PR
Pest complex of cowpea (Vigna sinensis Savi) in Haryana.             1983      
Gupta PK, Singh J
Important insect pests of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) in agroecosystem of eastern Uttar Pradesh.      1981      
Tauthong P, Wanleelag N
Studies on the life history of the southern cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis L.) and its control.  1981      
Akingbohungbe AE
Seasonal variation in cowpea crop performance at Ile-Ife, Nigeria and the relationship to insect damage.              1982      
Jackai LEN
Efficacy of insecticide applications at different times of day against the legume pod-borer, Maruca testulalis (Geyer) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), on cowpea in Nigeria. 1983      
O' Keefe M, Eades JF, Strickland KL, Harrington D
Crufomate residues in milk and milk products following treatment of dairy cows for warble-fly. 1982      
Amoako Atta B, Omolo EO, Atta B Amoako
Yield losses caused by the stem-/pod-borer complex within maize-cowpea-sorghum intercropping systems in Kenya.    1983               
Amoako Atta B, Omolo EO, Kidega EK, Atta B Amoako
Influence of maize, cowpea and sorghum intercropping systems on stem-/pod-borer infestations.          1983      
Dabrowski ZT, Bungu DOM, Ochieng RS
Studies on the legume pod-borer, Maruca testulalis (Geyer) - III. Methods used in cowpea screening for resistance.       1983               
Yusupov R Kh, Khaliulin GL, Zainullina FG, Yusupov RKh
The use of sulfidophos and Dursban for the destruction of dipterous larvae in cow-sheds.            1982      
Yusupov R Kh, Zainullina FG, Khaliulin GL, Barabanov VI, Yusupov RKh
Effective insecticides for the treatment of cow-sheds.   1982      
Parh IA
Greenhouse studies on the feeding damage of two species of Empoasca (Cicadellidae) on six cultivars of cowpea.           1983               
Juarez HA, Burgos CF, Saunders JL
Maize-cowpea mixed crop system response to insect control and maize population variation.    1982      
Matteson PC
The effects of intercropping with cereals and minimal permethrin applications on insect pests of cowpea and their natural enemies in Nigeria.         1982      
Vir S
Relative resistance of some cowpea varieties to the pulse beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius.   1982      
Harvey TL, Brethour JR
Controlling horn fly (Diptera: Muscidae) in cow-calf herds with insecticide-impregnated ear tag treatments of nursing calves.  1983      
Murty PK, Rao D
Kitazin induced seedling variations in cowpea (Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi).  1983      
Dina SO
Response of three cowpea varieties to organophosphorus insecticides.                1981      
Tolle A
Control of ectoparasites in dairy cows and pregnant heifers.       1981      
Bertels G, Robijns JM
Preventing summer mastitis in cows by fly control. Field trial of permethrin and cypermethrin.   1983      
Kan PT, Abbasov TG, Li PN
Decontamination of cows' milk containing organophosphorus pesticide residues.             1979      
Kinzell JH, Shull LR, Olson BA, McKenzie RM
Fate of 14C-pentachlorophenol in a lactating dairy cow. 1981      
Clark DE, Coppock CE, Ivie GW
Residues of the plant growth regulator mefluidide N-2,4-dimethyl-5-(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl amino phenyl acetamide in the milk and tissues of lactating dairy cows: a 28-day feeding study.         1981      
Quistad GB, Staiger LE, Jamieson GC, Schooley DA
Metabolism of fluvalinate by a lactating dairy cow.           1982      
Singh BB, Merrett PJ
Leaf miner - a new pest of cowpeas.       1980      
Ezueh MI
Soil systemic insecticides for cowpea pest control.           1980      
Matteson PC
Egg parasitoids of hemipteran pests of cowpea in Nigeria and Tanzania, with special reference to Ooencyrtus patriciae Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) attacking Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal (Hemiptera: Coreidae).  1981      
Hussein MH, Abdel Aal YAI, Aal YAI Abdel
Toxicity of some compounds against the cowpea seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) Coleoptera; Bruchidae). 1982               
Giga DP, Smith RH
Varietal resistance and intraspecific competition in the cowpea weevils Callosobruchus maculatus and C. chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).              1981      
Vir S
Note on the relative susceptibility of different varieties of cowpea to Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius.            1981      
Abbassy MA, Abdel Rahim WA, Rahim WA Abdel
Toxicological studies on male and female cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.).              1976      
Babu PCS, Rajasekaran B
A note on the control of stemfly Ophiomyia phaseoli Coq. on cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.).       1981      
Mansour MH, Dimetry NZ, Rofaeel IS
The role of coumarin as secondary plant substance in the food specificity of the cow pea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch.    1982               
Nilakhe SS, Chalfant RB, Day A
Soil insect pests in cowpea fields with emphasis on distribution of wireworms.   1982      
Ezueh MI, Taylor TA
Field resistance in cowpea, Vigna unguiculata to the cowpea moth, Cydia ptychora.         1981      
Jackai LEN
A field screening technique for resistance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) to the pod-borer Maruca testulalis (Geyer) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).              1982      
Nilakhe SS, Chalfant RB
Cowpea cultivars screened for resistance to insect pests.             1982      
Ezueh MI
Effects of planting dates on pest infestation, yield and harvest quality of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).    1982      
Capecki Z, Tuteja W
Appraisal of the health status and the threat from forest pests in forests of the Ojcow National Park (Poland).   1977      
Krol A, Zabecki W
Secondary and technical pests of silver fir stands in the Ojcow National Park.      1976      
Grzywinski L, Stadnicki T
The effect on milk yield of anthelmintic treatment of cows at different times ante or post partum.           1981      
Unger M, Ipsen L, Clausen J
Occurrence of polychlorated biphenyls in breast milk, cow's milk products and samples of diet.  1982      
Singh BB, Merrett PJ
Leaf miner -- a new pest of cowpeas.     1980      
Ezueh MI
The biological bases of resistance in cowpea to the cowpea moth, Cydia ptychora (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae).               1981               
Yeadon R, Perfect TJ
DDT residues in crop and soil resulting from application to cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. in the sub-humid tropics.                1981      
Bryushinina GT, VS Yarnykh
Use of benzimin (Hexamid B repellent) for protecting dairy cows against blood-sucking Diptera.                1980      
Akhtar MH
Fate of trichlorfon in buffer and soluble fraction (105000g) from cow and chicken liver homogenates.     1982      
Khan MA, GCR Croome, TG Atkinson
Dursban 44 for winter control of lice on range cows [chlorpyrifos].            1981      
Ballarini G
Puerperal uterine hypotonic syndrome in cows due to subclinical pesticide intoxication (a review).          1981      
Skaare JU, Berge G, Odegaard S, Grave K
Excretion of methoxychlor in cow milk following dermal application.        1982      
Kurtz DA, Hutchinson L
Fonofos toxicosis in dairy cows: an accidental poisoning (1977).  1982      
Adebitan SA
Effects of phosphorus and weed interference on anthracnose of cowpea in Nigeria.       1996      
Keighery GJ
Succowia balearica (Brassicaceae): a new and potentially serious weed in Western Australia.       1996      
Kannan NR, Doraiswamy S
Screening cowpea entries for seed borne infection of CAMV and to study the weed hosts of the virus.  1994      
Rajinder Singh, Katyal SK, Yadav SK, Singh R
Nutrient drain by weeds and their control in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp).          1993      
Onesirosan PT
Seedborne and weedborne inoculum in web blight of cowpea. 1975      
Nemtsov MI
On the composition of the weed flora of the southern part of the Podol'skii District, Moscow Province. 1974      
Medrano S C
Determining the critical period of weed competition in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata].        1973      
Takabayashi M, Abe H, Kubota T
Studies on the dissemination of weed seeds by livestock. 1. Viability of weed seeds passed through digestive tract of a dairy cow.           1975      
Spurgeon D
Sea cows eat their way to domestication.             1974      
Kapen KR Van, James LF
Sequential development of the lesions in locoweed poisoning.  1972      
Dutta TR, Panwar OPS, Shanker V
Studies on weed competition in a field of mixed sorghum and cowpea. 1972      
Dutta TR
Studies on weed competition in a field of mixed sorghum and cowpea. 1972      
Enyi BAC
An analysis of the effect of weed competition on growth and yield attributes in sorghum (Sorghum vulgare), cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) and green gram (Vigna aureus).        1973      
Harries WN, Baker FP, Johnston A
An outbreak of locoweed poisoning in horses in southwestern Alberta. 1972      
James LF
Effect of locoweed on fetal development: preliminary study in sheep.   1972      
Kampen KR van, James LF
Ovarian and placental lesions in sheep from ingesting locoweed, (Astragalus lentiginosus).          1971      
Balls LD, James LF
Effect of locoweed (Astragalus spp.) on reproductive performance of ewes.       1973      
Hartley WJ, James LF
Microscopic lesions in fetuses of ewes ingesting locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus).      1973      
Bale S
Poisoning of sheep, goats and cows by the weed Hypericum triquetrifolium.      1978      
Sobhian R
Cardaria draba (L.), a new host for Aphis armoraciae Cowen (Homoptera: Aphididae).    1977      
Sicinska JT
Segetal communities of the Szczercowska (Widawska) Depression.         1974      
Musselman LJ, Eplee RE, Sand PF
Weed watch: cowpea Striga (Striga gesnerioides).            1980      
Parker C, Dixon NH, Chadwick K
Striga and Alectra on cowpeas.  1980      
Ziemkiewicz PF, Cronin EH
Germination of seed of three varieties of spotted locoweed.     1981      
Langdon KR
Cowpea witchweed (Striga gesnerioides), a newly discovered root-parasitic weed introduced in Florida.               1979      
Morton JK
The giant cow parsnip, Heracleum mantegazzianum Umbelliferae, in Canada.     1975      
Morton JK
Distribution of giant cow parsnip (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in Canada.           1975      
Enyi BAC
Analysis of the effect of weed competition on growth and yield attributes in sorghum (Sorghum vulgare [= bicolor]), cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) and green gram (Vigna aureus [= radiata]).               1978      
Burova LG
Ecological features of macromycetes in Spruce/broadleaved forests of the Moscow region. I. Effect of the stand on the development and distribution of macromycetes.              1974      
Sharma AK, Garg KP
Effect of phosphorus and molybdenum fertilization on the nodulation of cowpea.           1973      
Chesney HAD
Performance of cowpeas cv. 'Black-eye' in Guyana as affected by phosphorus and potassium.   1974      
Shanthakumari P, Sinha SK
Nitrate reductase in relation to nodulation in cowpeas and mung beans.               1974      
Briceno S JM, Sanchez C
Yield of cowpea (Vigna sinensis) [= V. unguiculata] with the application of lime and phosphorus on savanna soils.              1973               
Tran Dang Hong, Minchin FR, Summerfield RJ
Recovery of nodulated cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) from waterlogging during vegetative growth.           1977               
Ghildiyal MC, Tomar OPS, Sirohi GS
Response of cowpea genotypes to zinc in relation to photosynthesis, nodulation and dry matter distribution.     1978      
Burova LG
Effect of the herbaceous and moss cover on the development and distribution of macromycetes in broadleaved/Spruce forests of the Moscow region. II.              1976      
Swaraj K, Garg OP
The effect of ageing on the leghemoglobin of cowpea nodules. 1977      
Kamara CS
The effects of excess and deficient soil moisture on the growth and yield of cowpea.     1976      
Mahdi AA, Habish HA
Effects of light and temperature on nodulation of cowpea and hyacinth bean.    1975      
Habish HA, Mahdi AA
Effect of soil moisture on nodulation of cowpea and hyacinth bean.        1976      
Murthy NBK, Raghu K
Effect of thiram on plant growth and rhizosphere microflora of barley and nodulation in cowpea.              1976      
Minchin FR, Summerfield RJ
Symbiotic nitrogen fixation and vegetative growth of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in waterlogged conditions. 1976               
Balasubramanian V, Sinha SK
Effects of salt stress on growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation in cowpea and mung beans.    1976      
Pulver EL
Ureide production and accumulation in cowpea and soybean as related to N2 fixation.   1980      
Atkins CA, Pate JS, Griffiths GJ, White ST
Economy of carbon and nitrogen in nodulated and non-nodulated (NO3-grown) cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.].                1980      
Summerfield RJ
Some aspects of the nitrogen nutrition of cowpeas.        1975      
Islam R, Ayanaba A, Sanders FE
Response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) to inoculation with VA-mycorrhizal fungi and to rock phosphate fertilization in some unsterilized Nigerian soils.               1980      
Gunze CMB, Hennessy CMR
Effect of host-applied auxin on development of endomycorrhiza in cowpeas.     1980      
Righetti TL, Munns DN
Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in cliffrose (Cowania mexicana var. stansburiana (Torr.) Jeps.).                1980      
Agboola AA
Influence of soil organic matter on cowpea's response to N fertilizer.      1978      
Eaglesham ARJ, Ayanaba A, Rao VR, Eskew DL, Ranga Rao V
Mineral N effects on cowpea and soybean crops in a Nigerian soil. I. Development, nodulation acetylene reduction and grain yield.          1982      
Eaglesham ARJ
Assessing the nitrogen contribution of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in monoculture and intercropped.    1981      
Harrison P, LaRue T
Carbon cost of nitrogen fixation in cowpea.         1983      
Zablotowicz RM, Focht DD, Cannell GH
Nodulation and N fixation of field-grown California cowpeas as influenced by well-irrigated and droughted conditions.  1981               
Jain N, Jadava RBR
Effect of Phosfon-D on growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) 'Walp') in pot culture.              1981      
Islam R, Ayanaba A
Effect of seed inoculation and pre-infecting cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) with Glomus mosseae on growth and seed yield of the plants under field conditions.             1981      
Islam R, Ayanaba A
Growth and yield responses of cowpea and maize to inoculation with Glomus mosseae in sterilized soil under field conditions.          1981      
Ledgard SF, Steele KW, Saunders WHM
Effects of cow urine and its major constituents on pasture properties.   1982      
Yost RS, Fox RL
Influence of mycorrhizae on the mineral contents of cowpea and soybean grown in an oxisol.    1982      
Miller JC Jr, Scott JS, Zary KW, O' Hair SK
The influence of available nitrate levels on nitrogen fixation in three cultivars of cowpea.              1982      
Khatibu AI, Huxley PA, Lal R
Effects of zero cultivation on the growth, nodulation and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) at Morogoro, Tanzania.     1979               
Kwapata MB, Hall AE
Effects of moisture regime and phosphorus on mycorrhizal infection, nutrient uptake, and growth of cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). 1985      
Douglas LA, Weaver RW
Partitioning of nitrogen-15-labeled biologically fixed nitrogen and nitrogen-15-labeled nitrate in cowpea during pod development.   1986      
Righetti TL, Chard CH, Backhaus RA
Soil and environmental factors related to nodulation in Cowania and Purshia.     1986      
Garg FC, Beri N, Tauro P
Nodular nitrogenase activity during various growth phases of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).           1982      
Nelson DL
Occurrence and nature of actinorhizae on Cowania stansburiana and other Rosaceae.    1983      
Ssali H, Keya SO
Phosphorus and cultivar effects on nodulation, growth, dinitrogen fixation and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).       1980               
Graham RA
Effects of cowpea severe mosaic virus on growth, nodulation and yield of vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in Trinidad.          1985      
Marsh DB, Waters L Jr
Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in cowpea as influenced by zinc nutrition.          1985      
Ssali H, Keya SO
Nitrogen level and cultivar effects on nodulation, dinitrogen fixation and yield of grain legumes: I. Cowpea cultivars.       1980               
Graham RA, Scott TW
Varietal characteristics and nitrogen fixation in cowpea.                1983      
Bagchi DK, Chanda S, Banerjee A
Effect of inoculation and phosphorus on dry yield and utilization of nitrogen by cowpea.               1981      
Righetti TL, Chard CH, Munns DN
Opportunities and approaches for enhancing nitrogen fixation in Purshia, Cowania, and Fallugia.               1983      
Shelp BJ, Atkins CA
Role of inosine monophosphate oxidoreductase in the formation of ureides in nitrogen-fixing nodules of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.).     1983      
Marsh DB
The effects of zinc nutrition on nodulation and nitrogen fixation processes of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.).      1983               
Murugesan S, Janaki IP
Studies on the relationship of the cowpea mosaic virus with its vector Myzus persicae Sulz.         1972      
Diaz A
Wild hosts of cowpea mosaic virus.          1974      
Ramiah M, Narayanasamy P
A new graft-transmissible disease of cowpea (Vigna sinensis (Torner) Savi).        1974      
Iwaki M, Roechan M, Tantera DM
Virus diseases of legume plants in Indonesia. 1. Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus.          1975      
Kaiser WJ, Mossahebi GH
Studies with cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus and its effect on cowpea in Iran.                1975      
Williams RJ
Control of cowpea seedling mortality in southern Nigeria.            1975      
Aboul Eid HZ, Ghorab AI
Pathological effects of Heterodera cajani on cowpea.     1974      
Zoeten GA de, Assink AM, Kammen A Van
Association of cowpea mosaic virus-induced double-stranded RNA with a cytopathological structure in infected cells.     1974               
Crowther RA, Geelan JLMC, Mellema JE
A three-dimensional image reconstruction of cowpea mosaic virus.         1974      
Gilmer RM, Whitney WK, Williams RJ
Epidemiology and control of cowpea mosaic in Western Nigeria.               1974      
Shoyinka SA
Status of virus diseases of cowpeas in Nigeria.   1974      
Pristanskov Yu P
Phytophthora disease of strawberry fruits in the Moscow area. 1974      
Assink AM
Localization of the RNA replication of cowpea mosaic virus.          1973      
Dawson WO, Kuhn CW
Kinetics of multiplication, inactivation, and particle-breakdown of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus in cowpea.         1974      
Kucmierz J
The parasitic fungi in the associations of vascular plants in the Ojcow National Park.         1973      
Motoyoshi F, Watts JW, Bancroft JB
Factors influencing the infection of tobacco protoplasts by cowpea chlorotic mottle virus.             1974      
Rice RH
Minor protein components in cowpea chlorotic mottle virus and satellite of tobacco necrosis virus.          1974      
Raheja AK, Leleji OI
An aphid-borne virus disease of irrigated cowpea in Northern Nigeria.   1974      
Haque SQ, Chenulu VV
Epidemiology of cowpea mosaic virus with special reference to influence of host factors on the transmission efficiency of Aphis craccivora Koch.   1971      
Sohi HS, Rawal RD
Control cowpea diseases.            1974      
Moffett ML
Bacterial leaf spot of cowpea in Queensland.      1973      
Schneider RW, Sinclair JB
Inhibition of conidial germination and germ tube growth of Cercospora canescens by cowpea leaf diffusates.     1975      
Williams RJ, Ayanaba A
Increased incidence of Pythium stem rot in cowpeas treated with benomyl and related fungicides.          1975      
Bancroft JB, Smith DB
The effect of dimethyladipimidate on the stability of cowpea chlorotic mottle and brome mosaic viruses.             1975      
Langenberg WG, Schroeder HF
The ultrastructural appearance of cowpea mosaic virus in cowpea.           1975      
Beier H, Bruening G
The use of an abrasive in the isolation of cowpea leaf protoplasts which support the multiplication of cowpea mosaic virus.                1975      
Owens RA, Bruening G
The pattern of amino acid incorporation into two cowpea mosaic virus proteins in the presence of ribosome-specific protein synthesis inhibitors.        1975      
Hibi T, Rezelman G, Kammen A Van
Infection of cowpea mesophyll protoplasts with cowpea mosaic virus.   1975      
Adolph KW
Conformational features of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus RNA and the stability of the virus.       1975      
Adolph KW
Structural transitions of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus.   1975      
Reijnders L, Aalbers AMJ, Kammen A Van, Berns AJM
The effect of double-stranded cowpea mosaic viral RNA on protein synthesis.   1975      
Maduewesi JNC
Host range and thermal inactivation of a cowpea isolate of Sclerotium rolfsii.       1975      
Esuruoso OF
Seed-borne fungi of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in Western Nigeria.      1975      
Oyekan PO
Occurrence of cowpea wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. tracheiphilum in Nigeria.             1975      
Heath MC
Chloroplast ultrastructure and ethylene production of senescing and rust-infected cowpea leaves.          1974      
Bates DC, Chant SR
The effects of virus infection on oxygen uptake and respiratory quotient of the leaves of French bean and cowpea.        1975               
Williams RJ
Diseases of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in Nigeria.      1975      
Khatri HL, Chenulu VV
Metabolism of resistant and susceptible cowpea varieties infected with cowpea mosaic virus III. Changes in some aspects of N-metabolism.            1973      
Diaz AJ
Study and characterisation of a mosaic disease of cowpea (Vigna sinensis) in El Salvador.               1972      
Govindaswamy CV, Mariappan V, Murugesan SS, Padmanabhan C, Thangamani G, Janaki IP
Studies on a cowpea mosaic virus disease.           1970      
Gutierrez AP, Havenstein DE, Nix HA, Moore PA
The ecology of Aphis craccivora Koch and Subterranean Clover Stunt Virus in south-east Australia. II. A model of cowpea aphid populations in temperate pastures.            1974      
Paulech C, Paulechova K, Herrera S
Study of the primary infection of the cowpea (Vigna sinensis Savi) by the fungus Oidium erysiphoides Fries.        1971      
Wolf P
Virus diseases of cow-parsnip (Heracleum sphondylium L.).         1972      
Bliss FA, Robertson DG
Genetics of host reaction in cowpea to cowpea yellow mosaic virus and cowpea mottle virus.     1971      
Assink A M, Swaans H, Kammen A Van
The localization of virus-specific double-stranded RNA of cowpea mosaic virus in subcellular fractions of infected Vigna leaves.  1973      
Batra GK, Kuhn CW
Inhibition of acquired resistance in cowpea chlorotic mottle virus-infected hypersensitive soybean by 2-thiouracil.           1973               
Motoyoshi F, Bancroft JB, Watts JW
A direct estimate of the number of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus particles absorbed by tobacco protoplasts that become infected.              1973      
Padma R, Summanwar AS
Chenopodium murale - a differential host for cowpea mosaic viruses.    1973      
Bancroft JB, Rees MW, Johnson MW, Dawson JRO
A salt-stable mutant of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus.    1973      
Bell JV, Hamalle RJ
Three fungi tested for control of the cowpea curculio, Chalcodermus aeneus.    1970      
Kuhn CW, Dawson WO
Multiplication and pathogenesis of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus and southern bean mosaic virus in single and double infections in cowpea.     1973      
Woods TL, Agrios GN
Inhibitory effects of a polyphenol-polyphenol oxidase system on the infectivity of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus ribonucleic acid.       1974      
Onuorah PE
Pythium seed decay and stem rot of cowpea (Vigna sinensis [Linn.] Savi) in southern Nigeria.     1973      
El Manna MM, Bruening G
Polyadenylate sequences in the ribonucleic acids of cowpea mosaic virus.            1973      
Grigor' ev MF
Cercosporellosis of winter wheat in the Moscow region.               1973      
Anahosur KH, Bidari VB, Hiremath RV
Leptosphaerulina leaf spot of cow-pea, a new record to India.   1974      
Makram MW, Nassar SH, Sidky ST, Faris FS
Producing a variety of cow-peas resistant to the rust disease (Uromyces vignae). 1. Screening local and imported varieties against the disease.        1973      
Khalf Allah AM, Faris FS, Nassar SH
Inheritance and nature of resistance to cucumber mosaic virus in cowpea, Vigna sinensis.            1973      
Swaans H, Kammen A Van
Reconsideration of the distinction between the severe and yellow strains of cowpea mosaic virus.          1973      
Zettler FW, Evans IR
Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus in Florida: host range and incidence in certified cowpea seed.       1972      
Lamptey PNL, Hamilton RI
A new cowpea strain of southern bean mosaic virus from Ghana.             1974      
Allam EK, Elshamy MR
Effect of virus infection on the quality of cowpea and asparagus bean seeds.      1973      
Summerfield RJ, Huxley PA, Steele W
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.).  1974      
Slack SA, Scott HA
Hemolymph as a reservoir for the cowpea strain of southern bean mosaic virus in the bean leaf beetle.                1971      
Rafes PM
XIIIth International Congress of Entomology, Moscow, 2-9 August, 1968. Proceedings. Volume 3.              1972      
Kvicala BA, Smrz J, Blanco N
A beetle-transmitted virus disease of cowpea in Cuba.  1973      
Sanderlin RS
Survival of bean pod mottle and cowpea mosaic viruses in beetles following intrahemocoelic injections.                1973      
Geelen JLMC, Kammen A Van, Verduin BJM
Structure of the capsid of cowpea mosaic virus. The chemical subunit: molecular weight and number of subunits per particle.                1972      
Wood HA
Genetic complementation between the two nucleoprotein components of cowpea mosaic virus.            1972      
Mathre DE, Johnston RH
Alternaria dianthi leafspot of cowcockle in Montana.      1972      
Fery RL, Cuthbert FP Jr
Association of plant density, cowpea curculio damage and Choanephora pod rot in Southern peas.          1972      
Dawson WO
Enhancement of the infectivity, nucleoprotein concentration, and multiplication rate of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus in manganese-treated cowpea.     1972      
Vidhyasekaran P, Balaraman K, Deiveekasundaram M
First record of Alternaria blight of cowpea in India.           1972      
Rees MW, Short MN
The tryptic peptides and terminal sequences of the protein from the cowpea strain of tobacco mosaic virus.       1972      
Nirwan RS, Upadhyaya J
Phytophthora blight of cowpea new to India.     1972      
Johnson MW, Wagner GW, Bancroft JB
A titrimetric and electrophoretic study of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus and its protein. 1973      
Bailey JA
Production of antifungal compounds in cowpea (Vigna sinensis) and pea (Pisum sativum) after virus infection.   1973      
Gupta RBL, Singh G, Dalela GG
Occurrence of Drechslera rostrata on cowpea in India.   1972      
Khatri HL, Chohan JS
Studies on some factors influencing seed transmission of cowpea mosaic virus in cowpea.           1972      
Bancroft JB, Lane LC
Genetic analysis of cowpea chlorotic mottle and brome mosaic viruses. 1973      
Geelen JLMC, Rezelman G, Kammen A Van
The infectivity of the two electrophoretic forms of cowpea mosaic virus.              1973      
Alconero R, Santiago A
Phaseolus lathyroides as a reservoir of cowpea mosaic virus in Puerto Rico.         1973      
Harris HB, Kuhn CW
Influence of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (soybean strain) on agronomic performance of soybeans.     1971      
Bock KR
East African strains of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus.              1973      
Brunt AA, Kenten RH
Cowpea mild mottle, a newly recognized virus infecting cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in Ghana.   1973      
Sachchidananda J, Singh S, Prakash N, Verma VS
Bean common mosaic virus on cowpea in India. 1973      
Khatri HL, Chenulu VV
Some aspects of N-metabolism in cowpea mosaic virus-inoculated resistant and susceptible cowpea varieties.  1971      
Rogers KM, Norton JD, Chambliss OL
Inheritance of resistance to cowpea chlorotic mottle virus in southern pea, Vigna sinensis.           1973      
Tulikov AM
The segetal weed flora of the Moscow region.   1982      
James LF, Hartley WF, Kampen KR Van, Nielsen D
Relationship between ingestion of the locoweed Oxytropis sericea and congestive right-sided heart failure in cattle.      1983               
Rawal RD, Sohi HS, Manjunath KL
Lagasca mollis a collateral host for powdery mildew of cowpea. 1980      
Molyneux RJ, James LF
Loco intoxication: indolizidine alkaloids of spotted locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus).   1982      
Kamara CS
Mulch-tillage techniques in Sierra Leone on cowpea growth and yield.   1980      
Hartley WJ, James LF, Broquist H, Panter KE
Pathology of experimental locoweed and selenium poisoning in pigs.     1985      
Molyneux RJ, James LF, Panter KE
Chemistry of toxic constituents of locoweed (Astragalus and Oxytropis) species.               1985      
Daniel PF, Warren CD, James LF, Jolly RD
Characerization of oligosaccharides from locoweed-poisoned sheep and comparison with bovine mannosidosis.               1985               
Panter KE, James LF
Effects of locoweed on reproduction in livestock.             1985      
James LP, Hartley WJ, Panter KE, Nielsen DB
Relationship of locoweed [Oxytropis sericea] to congestive right heart failure in cattle.  1985      
Murphy TR, Gossett BJ, Toler JE
Dormancy and field burial of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seed.  1986      
Ralphs MH, James LF, Pfister JA
Utilization of white locoweed (Oxytropis sericea Nutt.) by range cattle. 1986      
Aggarwal VD, Muleba N, Drabo I, Souma J, Mbewe M
Inheritance of Striga gesnerioides in cowpea.     1984      
Wolfe GJ, Lance WR
Locoweed poisoning in a northern New Mexico elk herd.             1984      
Sharma RP, James LF, Molyneux RJ
Effect of repeated locoweed feeding on peripheral lymphocytic function and plasma proteins in sheep.                1984      
Davis D, Schwarz P, Hernandez T, Mitchell M, Warnock B, Elbein AD
Isolation and characterization of swainsonine from Texas locoweed (Astragalus emoryanus).      1984      
Tulikov AM
Characterstics of distribution and dynamics of field weed flora in the Moscow region.     1983      
Tulikov AM
On winter hardiness of annual weeds in the Moscow region.      1981      
Striga resistance screening of some cultivars of pearl millet, sorghum, maize, and cowpea.           1983      
Mugabe NR
Effect of Alectra vogelii Benth. on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). 1. Some aspects on reproduction of cowpea.  1983               
Tulsiani DRP, Broquist HP, James LF, Touster O
Tissue glycosidases and oligosaccharides of the pig are similarly affected by swainsonine and locoweed. [Abstract].         1984               
Anno Nyako FO, Vetten HJ, Allen DJ, Thottappilly G, Nyako FO Anno
The relation between cowpea golden mosaic and its vector Bemisia tabaci.          1983      
Muniyappa V, Reddy DVR
Transmission of cowpea mild mottle virus by Bemisia tabaci in a non-persistent manner.               1983      
Kowalski T
Occurrence of fungi in forests injured by air pollution in the Upper Silesian and Cracow industrial regions. 8. Mycoflora of Larix decidua at a site with moderately high levels of pollution.  1982      
Onesirosan PT
Effect of seedcoat type on the susceptibility of cowpeas to invasion by storage fungi.     1982      
Ramachandran P, Summanwar AS
A note on minimising seed-borne virus inoculum in cowpea.       1982      
Wagih EE, Coutts RHA
Peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and ribonuclease in tobacco necrosis virus-infected or mannitol osmotically-stressed cowpea and cucumber tissue II. Qualitative alterations. 1982      
Kumari V, Karan D
Seed mycoflora of cowpea (Vigna catjang (Burm. F) Walp.) and its effect on germination.             1981      
Evans IM, Boulter D
In vitro competition between cowpea chlorotic mottle virus RNA and pea cotyledon mRNA.        1982      
Goldbach R, Krijt J
Cowpea mosaic virus-encoded protease does not recognize primary translation products of M RNAs from other comoviruses.     1978      
Fernandez Suarez R
A soyabean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) mosaic induced by a strain of cowpea mosaic virus.                1981      
Singh R, Singh HC
Nitrate reductase activity in cowpea mosaic virus infected cowpea plant parts.   1982      
Kao CW, Leu LS
Phytophthora stem rot of cowpea caused by Phytophthora vignae Purss.             1982      
Patel PN, Jindal JK
Distinguishing reactions of the bacterial blight and pustule organisms of cowpea in pods of Phaseolus vulgaris.   1982      
Singh R, Singh HC
Changes in nitrogenous constituents of cowpea fruit due to cowpea mosaic virus infection.         1981      
Prabhu AS, Albuquerque FC
Observations on the chlamydospore germination of Entyloma vignae, the causal agent of cowpea smut.               1982      
Ata AEA, Allen DJ, Thottapilly G, Rossel HW
Variation in the rate of seed transmission of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in cowpea.           1982      
Watt E
Nanaus -- an IITA cowpea cultivar released in Brazil.        1982      
Christen AA, Lurquin PF
Infection of cowpea mesophyll protoplasts with cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV) RNA encapsulated in large liposomes.          1983      
Carr RJ, Kim KS
Ultrastructure of mixed plant virus infection: bean yellow mosaic virus with cowpea severe mosaic virus or cowpea mosaic virus in bean.     1983      
Xi Z, Xu S, Mang K
An isolate causing systemic necrosis mosaic on cowpea in Peking suburb.             1982      
Dorssers L, Meer J Van der, Kammen A Van, Zabel P
The cowpea mosaic virus RNA replication complex and the host-encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase-template complex are functionally different.          1983      
Heath MC
Relationship between developmental stage of the bean rust fungus and increased susceptibility of surrounding bean tissue to the cowpea rust fungus.         1983      
Rossel HW
Cowpea virology.             1982      
Anno Nyako FC, Vetten HJ, Allen DJ, Thottapilly G
The relation between cowpea golden mosaic and its vector, Bemisia tabaci.        1983      
Savithri HS, Erickson JW
The self-assembly of the cowpea strain of southern bean mosaic virus: formation of T = 1 and T = 3 nucleoprotein particles.                1983      
Schmidt T, Johnson JE, Phillips WE
The spherically averaged structures of cowpea mosaic virus components by X-ray solution scattering.    1983      
Wezenbeek P Van, Verver J, Harmsen J, Vos P, Kammen A
Primary structure and gene organization of the middle-component RNA of cowpea mosaic virus.              1983      
Singh BB, Mligo JK, Marenge ET, Ibrahim IA
Sources of resistance to Phytophthora stem rot in cowpea.         1982      
Heath MC
Fungal growth, haustorial disorganization, and host necrosis in two cultivars of cowpea inoculated with an incompatible race of the cowpea rust fungus.                1982      
Onesirosan PT
Effect of moisture content and temperature on the invasion of cowpeas by storage fungi.           1982      
Demski JW, Alexander AT, Stefani MA, Kuhn CW
Natural infection, disease reactions, and epidemiological implications of peanut mottle virus in cowpea.                1983       1
Onesirosan PT
Effect of season of harvest on the level of microfloral infection, quality and viability of the seed of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).      1983      
Jhooty JS, Sokhi SS, Sohi HS, Bains SS, Rewal HS, Munshi GD
The reaction of cowpea germplasm to different diseases.            1980      
Rios GP, Neves BP das
Resistance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) lines and cultivars to cowpea severe mosaic virus.   1982      
Patel PN
Genetics of host reactions to three races of the bacterial pustule pathogen in cowpea.  1982      
Rawal RD, Sohi HS
Sources of resistance in cowpea to Septoria vignicola.    1981      
Mali VR, Patil FS, Gaushal DH
Immunity and resistance to bean yellow mosaic, cowpea aphid borne mosaic and tobacco ringspot viruses in cowpea.   1981               
Mirocha CJ
Distribution and metabolism of [3H]-zearalenone in a lactating cow.        1981      
Fegla GI, Shawkat ALB, Mohammed SY
Certain viruses affecting cowpea and their effect on growth and root nodulation of cowpea plants.         1981      
Valverde RA, Moreno R, Gamez R
Incidence and some ecological aspects of cowpea severe mosaic virus in two cropping systems in Costa Rica.      1982      
Valverde RA, Moreno R, Gamez R
Yield reduction in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) infected with cowpea severe mosaic virus in Costa Rica.   1982      
Agrawal AK, Tripathi AM, Agrawal N, Srivastava VK
Inhibitory effect of some heteropolyanions on cowpea vein banding mosaic virus.           1981      
Lin MT, Anjos JRN, Rios GP
Serological grouping of cowpea severe mosaic virus isolates from central Brazil. 1981      
Rawal RD, Sohi HS
Nature of disease resistance in cowpea to Septoria vignicola.      1981      
Beier H, Issinger OG, Deuschle M, Mundry KW
Translation of the RNA of cowpea severe mosaic virus in vitro and in cowpea protoplasts.             1981      
Lin MT, Kitajima EW, Rios GP
Serological identification of several cowpea viruses in Central Brazil.        1981      
Emmerikh ED
Intensive type barley cultivars under conditions in the outskirts of Moscow.        1981


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