Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vernonia patula MERR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community
पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ-1329
वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित
पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ"
नामक यह श्रृंखला
उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए
उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|
<a href="http://www.pankajoudhia.com"
Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Orissa and Rajasthan.
This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on
Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change
Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in
This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian
Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherpy.
"Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vallaris pergulanus
BURM. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous
Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vallaris
solanacea (ROTH.) KUNTZE. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by
Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Vallisneria spiralis L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by
Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Vanda coerulea GRIFF. EX LINDL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Vanda parviflora LINDL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Vanda roxburghii R.BR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Vanda spathulata (L.) SPRENG. based Traditional Formulations for
Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Vanda teres LINDL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Vanda tessellata (ROXB.) DON based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Vanda testacea (LINDL.) REICHB.F. based Traditional Formulations for
Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Vandellia erecta BENTH. NULL based Traditional Formulations
for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Vandellia pedunculata BENTH. based Traditional Formulations
for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Vandellia pyxidaria MAXIM. based Traditional Formulations
for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Vangueria pubescens KUNTH. NULL based Traditional
Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community"
"Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vangueria spinosa SENSU HOOK.F. based
Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic
Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vanilla planifolia
ANDR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic
Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vanilla wightiana
LINDL.EX WIGHT based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous
Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vateria indica
L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic
Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vateria macrocarpa
B.L.GUPTA based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous
Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vateria
malabarica BLUME based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by
Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Vatica lancaefolia BI. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by
Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Ventilago calycina TUL. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases
by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Ventilago calyculata TULASNE based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases
by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Ventilago denticulata WILLD. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases
by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Ventilago madraspatana GAERTN. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Vepris bilocularis (WIGHT & ARN.) ENGL. based Traditional
Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community"
"Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Veratrum album L. based Traditional
Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community"
"Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Veratrum viride AIT. based Traditional
Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community"
"Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Verbascum chinense (L.) SANT. based
Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic
Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Verbascum
coromandelianum (VAHL) KUNTZE based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Verbascum thapsus PLENK based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Verbena nodiflora L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Verbesina calendulacea L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Verchellia farnesiana WIGHT & ARN. based Traditional Formulations
for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Vernonia albicans DC. based Traditional Formulations for
Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) WILLD. based Traditional
Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community"
"Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vernonia arborea HOOK.F. based
Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic
Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vernonia aspera
BUCH.-HAM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous
Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vernonia
cinerea LESS. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous
Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vernonia
patula MERR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous
Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Vernonia
pyramidale (D.DON) MITRA NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases
by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Vernonia revoluta BUCH.-HAM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases
by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Vernonia roxburghii LESS based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by
Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Vernonia squarrosa (D.DON) LESS. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Vernonia teres WALL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Veronica agrestis L. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Veronica anagallis L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Veronica arvensis L. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Veronica beccabunga L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Veronica biloba L. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Veronica hederaefolia L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Veronica serpyllifolia L. NULL based Traditional Formulations for
Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) NASH based Traditional
Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community"
"Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Viburnum acuminatum WALL. EX DC. based
Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic
Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Viburnum
colebrookianum WALL. EX CI. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases
by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Viburnum coriaceum BL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by
Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with Neem and
Viburnum corylifolium HK.F. & TH. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Viburnum cotinifolium DON. based Traditional Formulations for Modern
Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used with
Neem and Viburnum cylindricum BUCH.-HAM.EX D.DON based Traditional Formulations
for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Viburnum foetidum WALL. based Traditional Formulations for
Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Viburnum hebanthum THW. based Traditional Formulations for
Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Viburnum nervosum D.DON based Traditional Formulations for
Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies
used with Neem and Viburnum obovatum WALT. based Traditional Formulations for
Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community" "Herbal Remedies used
with Neem and Viburnum punctatum BUCH.- HAM" "EX D. DON based
Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic
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